4 Different Types Of Industries Using Clean Room Filters

Air purifier filters are found in nearly every industry; the type of filter being used depends on the products that are being manufactured in that particular industry and the degree of purity expected. Products that require extreme levels of purity and ultra-filtration are manufactured or assembled in clean rooms.

What are Clean Room Filters?

Clean rooms are a technology that makes sure that there is a controlled level of contamination designed to maintain pollutants such as dust, airborne organisms, aerosol, or vaporized particle levels on a per cubic meter molecule measure.

To achieve this, air cleanings filtration devices, such as HEPA filters, and ultra-low particulate air (ULPA) filters are installed in the clean room walls and ceilings so that they can be completely pollutant free.

  • Pharmaceuticals Industry – The prerequisites in the pharmaceutical industry are disinfestations and good quality air. Thus, a clean room provides a controlled environment that makes sure sterile drugs, vaccines, and biomedical devices that are completely and 100% safe for the human body. This is the reason why the packaging of medicines should be done in separate clean rooms so that the scope of contamination can be reduced.
  • Laboratories and Research Facilities – Some science experiments are highly sensitive and this is the reason why they require the utmost cleanliness. Clean rooms are very beneficial as they provide a highly class-controlled environment that is appropriate for a high-class science experiment. In the case of laboratory clean rooms, though much effort is spent on aesthetically pleasing designs, equal emphasis should be paid to the airflow requirements that do not hamper the working of the laboratory.
  • Food Industry – Most food manufacturing companies and farms are leaning towards using clean room filters so that they can serve hygienic quality food to their customers. This way the food also gets a longer shelf life because they are free from any type of contamination.

In the food industry, there are choices of hard wall and soft wall clean rooms. Small, enclosed clean room units like ‘mini environments’ or ‘flow boxes’ with food-grade compatible lighting and portability benefits are usually preferred by food processing clients.

  • Cosmetics and Perfume Industry – As cosmetic products come in direct contact with the human body, cosmetics products should be produced in conditions that are close to medical manufacturing units. Cosmetic producers keep their main focus on controlling the contamination of their products. This is the reason why sterilization from the start to end of the cosmetic production cycle is a much-recommended.


Clean room filters are widely used in different types of industries because of the amazing benefits that it provides. You can find a lot of air filter suppliers all over the world but finding someone who delivers good quality products at reasonable prices should be your topmost priority.

How The HEPA Filters Are Beneficial At The Time Of COVID-19?

The development and innovations in the functions of air-cleaning technologies play a very important role when it comes to airborne infection control.

Air filtration uses high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) because they are the most effective of filters. The role of a HEPA filter in the time of COVID-19 is that the air cleaner with a HEPA air purifier filter removes infectious viruses like SARs-CoV-2 from the air continuously depending on the running time manner.

As the HEPA filter is coated with an antiviral agent so it enhances the performance of the air cleaner. The antiviral agent consists mainly of monovalent copper components. The study proves that the version of HEPA-filtered air cleaners is worthwhile when preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Benefits of HEPA filter in the times of COVID-19:

When appropriately utilized, air cleaners and HVAC filters can aid in lowering the number of airborne pathogens, such as viruses, in a structure or small area. Air purification or filtration cannot entirely shield people from COVID-19. Filtration can be an element of a strategy to lessen the possibility of COVID-19 transmission indoors when used in conjunction with other best practices advised by the CDC and other public health organizations, such as social seclusion and mask use.

HVAC filters and air cleaners are made to remove contaminants from the air that travels through them. Air filtration and cleaning can aid in lowering airborne pollutants, such as virus-carrying particles.

How Do HEPA filters work?

It is not a process when the contaminated air passes through the HEPA filter, it is a three-step different process, after going through these three steps the contaminated air convert into filtered and healthy air. So let’s discuss these three-step processes which the contaminated air goes through.

  1. Interception: This process specifically works for larger particles. These larger particles such as dust and dirt, and many more particles whose size is more often more than 0.3 microns. These particles whose size is more than 0.3 microns will come in contact with glass fibers, these fibers use for trapping these particles. In simple words, the role of this step is that traps the large particles with the help of the glass fibers.
  2. Inertial Impaction: The direction of the air can be easily diverted depending on the path of flow. And when the air goes through the filter it tends to move in the same direction as a flow of the path and dust particles adapt in the same direction as the flow of the air due to the phenomenon which is known as the inertia of motion. So due to this phenomenon, the glass fibers will trap and hold the particles.
  3. Diffusion: the size of the particles is often less than or equal to 0.1 microns ( for example: viruses), these particles follow the Brownian motion. In simple words, there are molecules present in the air whose size is less than 0.1 microns. When the size and as well as mass of the particles are very small, the movement of the particles in a random direction will be caused by the collision of the particles with the air molecules. Since the particles whose size is less than 0.1 microns move in a random direction or in a zigzag direction, the movement of the particles in the random direction makes this process easy as it becomes easy to trap these particles by the filter.

So this is how these HEPA filters work and help to filter the contaminated air. The HEPA filters come in various types like a mini pleat HEPA filter, etc.


The acronym HEPA stands for “high-efficiency particulate air”. HEPA is a type of plated mechanical filter. This type of filter is used to remove up to 99.97% of dust, pollen, mould, bacteria, and any airborne particles with a size of 0.3 microns. No matter what the size of the particle is, it is all trapped by the HEPA filter. When you consult a quality HEPA filter manufacturer, they will tell you that with proper cleaning and timely filter replacement, HEPA filters can capture particles between 0.3 to 10 microns.

Reasons to Install HEPA Air Filters

1. Naturally Treats Allergies – Some allergies can cause a variety of health risks as well as discomfort for you and your family. If you are prone to allergies then you should know that the poor indoor air quality makes it even worse. What’s worse is that if you have serious health conditions like asthma then contaminants such as dirt, dust, pollens, dander, and other small particles can aggravate your allergies. HEPA filters are used to trap allergens which will reduce your symptoms and hopefully the health of everyone in your household will improve.

2. No By-products – The reality is that normal air filters emit hidden harmful by-products into your indoor air. This is why HEPA air filters are the best as they do not emit any type of by-product. HEPA filters are designed in a way that they work efficiently without generating any by-products. These filters are environment-friendly making them 100% safe to use.

3. Easy Accessibility – HEPA filter systems are easily accessible to the public which means you can easily find HEPA systems in various home appliances, such as air purifiers, humidifiers, vacuum cleaners, plumbing vents, etc. Just be very careful that you are purchasing from a reliable source.

4. Works Amazing For Newborns – Parents should definitely consider buying a HEPA filter system so that they can protect their infants from any kind of allergies. HEPA filters purify the air and also help in preventing respiratory infections. Allergies are more prevalent among newborns as their lungs are more vulnerable as compared to adults. By using HEPA air filters you can help your newborns stay away from all types of allergies.

5. Minimizes the Impact of Smoking – If someone in your family smokes then you should definitely install an air filter. A HEPA air filter works best in this scenario by removing smoke particles and all types of contaminants from the air. Smoking makes the air polluted which brings your family members at higher risk because it greatly affects babies and elderly people.

Air cleaning devices can improve your overall indoor air quality which ultimately reduces the risk of all types of allergies. The best way to reduce the number of contaminants in the air is by using a HEPA filter system. These systems will not only clean your indoor air but also make your house safe and allergens-free. Many air filter manufacturers sell HEPA filters but you should be careful while purchasing because you don’t want to end up having a filter that does not do what it claims.


Pocket bag filters are used as first or second-stage filters in air conditioning systems. If the air of the environment is not strict then these pocket filters are used as final filters. The air processed by pocket filters is absolutely clean and can be supplied to the people directly which is why pocket filters should be replaced frequently.

They are considered as one of the best filter structures at present because they are ideal for high-humidity environments. These filters are anti-rust and are used in a moist environment.

Advantages of Using Pocket Bag Filters

When talking about industrial air filtration systems, the conversation always centers on HEPA air purifiers, ionic air purifiers, and ozone air purifiers. These systems help by making a basic set of technologies behind industrial air purification.

While these are important to understand but none of these technologies can work well without the proper support of pre-filter. Pre-filters are designed to capture particles from the air that are larger than 5 microns. This is where bag filters come in handy as they are the primary filters that capture much smaller particles to make sure they work efficiently.

1. Increased Efficiency – Pocket filters are very beneficial as they help to increase the efficiency of an HVAC system. The better the quality of the air passing through your equipment, the fewer the chances that there will be something wrong. Pocket filters keep HVAC equipment from having to work too hard to provide a comfortable indoor environment. This is the reason why the chances to spend money on an unexpected repair will be reduced to the minimum.

2. Health Considerations – Airborne pollutants can cause some serious problems to your health which can reduce workplace productivity and worker satisfaction. Therefore, the quality of the air in your commercial building should be considered one of your top priorities.
With the help of pocket filters, a lot of harmful pollutants can be eliminated, helping to keep your workers healthy and productive. These filters also keep noxious fumes and odors away from the building so that it does not cause any harm to your workers and customers.

3. Suitable For a Host of Applications – Durable and high-efficient pocket filters are perfect for many types of different settings. These include schools, restaurants, hospitals, and many others. Pocket filters are compatible with most HVAC systems. Pocket filters trap all the dangerous contaminants that may cause serious problems to you, your workers, and your customers.

Many air purifier filter manufacturer claims that they provide filters that can remove up to 99% of the pollutants from the air but you should go for the pocket filter as it protects you from carbon dioxide emissions and humidity. These filters ensure that pollutants are diluted and removed from the building through a proper system of ventilation.

air purifier filter

Advantages of an Air Purifier